Zlan (short film)

Leaving her known world behind, a young girl takes her first steps into womanhood through a coming-of-age ritual. Director Christian Goue explores the lost legacy of African religions and spirituality as he uncovers what it means to grow up in Côte d’Ivoire. Using fictional religious ceremonies in contrast with Côte d’Ivoire’s party scene, Christian depicts the struggle that young Ivorians face between losing the connection to their ancestry and carving out a new path in modern-day Africa. This piece also aims to challenge and shift the Western narrative surrounding African religions as being 'dark' or intrinsically linked to 'black magic'. Goue presents religion as empowering, a means for people within Africa to connect to their environment, themselves, and their ancestors. "Zlan" was produced as a commissioned media piece to visually narrate the story behind the jewelry brand Lafalaise Dion, starring designer Dion herself.

Christian Goue
Co-Director: Yann Loïc Kieffoloh
Executive Producer: Lafalaise Dion; Christian Goue
Lafalaise Dion
Production Company: Cartiersud